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Beamsec SEMS

Proactively Secure Your Electronic Messaging with Advanced Simulation Tests

With Beamsec SEMS, secure electronic messaging is no longer a hope, it's a guarantee. Beamsec SEMS is an innovative cyber security solution that enables you to put your electronic communication infrastructure under the microscope, test against known vulnerabilities, and get detailed reports on the results.

Leverage our secure electronic messaging simulation platform to eradicate your system's weaknesses swiftly with our recommended solutions, taking your infrastructure's security to the next level.

What is Beamsec SEMS?

Beamsec SEMS (Secure Electronic Messaging Simulation) is a cutting-edge cyber security tool designed to rigorously test your electronic communication infrastructure against known vulnerabilities.

It provides detailed reports of these tests and gives actionable suggestions to enhance your system’s security. It’s your frontline defense, helping you address potential weaknesses before they can be exploited.



Configuration Check

Proactively check your system's configuration for potential vulnerabilities.

Harmful File Analysis

In-depth analysis of potentially harmful files to detect and neutralize threats.

Ransomware Analysis

Stay ahead of cyber criminals by assessing your system's resistance to ransomware.

Customization Infrastructure

Tailor your security measures to your specific needs.

Rule Creation

Establish customized rules to fortify your electronic communications.

New Vector Creation

Keep your security measures up-to-date by creating new vectors for attacks.




Our simulator allows you to test the resilience of your Anti-spam, Antivirus, and Firewall applications against current threats, schedule regular tests, and apply suggested solutions for identified weaknesses

Vector Pool

Attack with all known vectors, add new vectors, and get comprehensive solution suggestions. Stay ahead of potential threats by knowing the enemy's arsenal.


Our policy feature helps in detecting all vulnerabilities in your infrastructure, provides customizable instructions, ensures stringent security checks, and assists in risk minimization.

Who is it for?

Beamsec SEMS is for businesses, IT departments, cyber security teams, and any organization that relies heavily on electronic communication and values data security. It’s a crucial tool for any entity looking to proactively safeguard their digital infrastructure from potential cyber threats.


Revolutionize your cyber security strategy

Don't wait for a cyber attack to test your defenses. Get Beamsec SEMS today and take control of your electronic messaging security. Click here to schedule a demo or contact us for more information. Secure your communications, secure your business with Beamsec SEMS.

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