Trace Whitelist Management


Trace Whitelist is used to create rules regarding emails that will be or have been reported by PhishTrace. Under the Report tab, rules can be created for emails to be reported. Emails that fall under these created rules cannot be reported using the Phishing Report add-ins.

Rules for an email to be reported can be defined based on Domain, Sender Email, or IP Address.

Domain field is used to prevent reporting of domains considered safe. For example, if is entered, emails sent from that domain will not be subject to reporting.

When using the Sender Address option, reporting cannot be performed on emails from specific users, as opposed to the entire domain. For example, if the email address is specified, emails from this address will not be reported.

IP Address option can be used if the sending IP address is known. Emails originating from the specified IP address will not be subject to reporting. The IP address information can be accessed from the header section of the received email.

The entered values can be verified using DKIM and SPF records. To do so, the desired feature must be enabled.


With the Scan feature, domain addresses within the reported emails are not scanned by IoC services. Addresses excluded from scanning help prevent consumption of quotas for IoC services that have usage limits. Both domain and IP addresses can be added for this exclusion. Rules are created by entering values such as or

style=”color: #00b0f0;”

Domain or IP addresses added to the Whitelist are displayed as Whitelisted under the Links section within the Reported Email.