AD Management comprises the necessary configuration settings for the seamless integration and transfer of LDAP and Azure AD users into the application.
In the LDAP Configuration settings, the necessary information is entered to connect to the Active Directory server.
LDAP Configuration
LDAP Access is the section where the URL, “UserDn”, and Password details are entered. After entering the required information, the connection between the application and LDAP can be verified using the TEST button.
LDAP querying allows access to and management of directory information, such as user accounts and groups. Required information for this section consists of “BaseDn”, User Object Category, and Group Object Category.
Disabled Users, if there are disabled users within LDAP, they are not transferred to the application during synchronization. By enabling this option, these users can be included in the synchronization process.
Health Mailbox Users, these mailboxes are used by the Managed Availability feature to monitor the health and performance of services. The health mailbox is displayed as shown in this example.
Count Users & Groups button allows you to verify the accuracy of the information you have entered. When you click the button, the display of the user count confirms the correctness of the entered information.
User attribute values are entered via the interface. It is essential to input the corresponding values for the attributes defined within the application. Required fields that must be entered are Name, Last Name, and Email.
Manager Identifiers designate users with specific attributes and values, making them group managers after synchronization. These users will receive notifications, such as campaign updates, once they are assigned as managers.
Test User Properties feature is used to verify the accuracy of the information you have entered. After clicking the button, if the email address you enter in the pop-up window displays a result, it confirms that the entered information is correct.
Ldap Hierarchy Groups Synchronization, this section is designed for hierarchical reports required for campaigns. You can configure your setup by sequentially entering the attribute and value details corresponding to your hierarchical structure. Without this configuration, the Manager Report for LDAP Hierarchical Synchronization cannot be generated.
Automatic Synchronization, it runs nightly to synchronize changes made in LDAP. Users added or removed in LDAP are automatically re-synchronized within the application.
LDAP Synchronization
Manuel synchronization process for the groups associated with the imported users is completed, and all transferred groups are displayed on this page.
For the group/groups to be synchronized, the update process is performed by enabling the marked option as shown in the visual.
Update process can be performed in two ways from the marked area shown in the visual. The only difference between these options is whether the user list is displayed. With Silent Synchronization, the update list is not shown.
With Explicit Synchronization, the users to be updated are displayed in a list format.
Hierarchical Groups
This tab displays the LDAP Hierarchy Groups Synchronization settings configured from the LDAP Configuration page.
The number of users corresponding to the entered attributes and their associated values is displayed as shown in the visual.
Azure AD
Configuration screen for Azure integration.
In the Azure Access section, you can enter the Client ID, Tenant ID, and Secret Key to synchronize your users from Azure AD to the application. For detailed configuration instructions, please refer to the Azure AD documentation.
During Azure AD configuration, the transferred users are synchronized with the application using both the PHISH and TRACE options. Therefore, the applications to be used must be selected from the Usage section, as shown in the visual.
In the PhishTrace application, to transfer users into Mailboxes, they must first be imported through the Users section. Then, navigate to the Azure AD page and click the Save button to complete the synchronization process.
DMI (Direct Message Injection) is a feature provided through AzureAD integration. When activated, emails sent via the application are delivered directly to users’ mailboxes. This eliminates the need for SMTP configuration, allowing users to receive messages, such as campaign emails, using the Azure AD infrastructure.
Azure Synchronization
Manuel synchronization process for the groups associated with the imported users is completed, and all transferred groups are displayed on this page.
For the group/groups to be synchronized, the update process is performed by enabling the marked option as shown in the visual.
Update process can be performed in two ways from the marked area shown in the visual. The only difference between these options is whether the user list is displayed. With Silent Synchronization, the update list is not shown.