In the Manager Report section, unlike other reports, you can generate a PDF document specifically intended for targeted individuals. This document is formatted as an executive summary, which typically presents a concise overview of the most critical information in the report. It is designed for high-level stakeholders, offering a quick snapshot of the results and key insights without going into the full details.
In the management report document, the executive summary highlights the scope of the phishing simulation, key statistics such as the number of phished users, data entry campaigns, and education success rates.
To create a new management report, click the Create New button located in the top right corner of the Management Report section.
After clicking the button, you can change the name of the report on the screen that appears, select the language in which it will be prepared, and write a summary related to the report.
Next, you can select which campaigns will be included in the management report. After this, a detailed content selection section will appear, allowing you to specify which contents should be included or excluded in the report. This enables you to tailor the report according to the specific results or insights you want to focus on.
As you follow these steps, a version of the report with the selected content will be prepared, displaying the data with graphs and figures.