Getting Started – Scenarios

Scenarios consist of the content that will be sent to users. Through this screen, you can view, edit, or create new scenarios to be sent.

The scenario types in the PhishPro application consist of Awareness, Data Entry, Vandalware, Web Based, Attached Login, and Phish & Drop. You can review the descriptions of the scenario types in detail under Types of Campaigns section.

When the prepared scenarios are sent to users, they can be delivered either through link or a QR code. For link-based delivery, users click on the campaign email upon receiving it. For QR code delivery, users scan the QR code with their phone. After scanning, depending on the type of scenario, the necessary redirections will take place.

Relevant Education is a feature applicable to all scenario types. It allows you to select training related to the created scenario. This feature enables the training information associated with the scenario to be included in a phishing campaign that incorporates the training module