
This is the screen where the user authorization settings for the application are configured. It allows administrators to manage and assign specific permissions to users, controlling what actions they are authorized to perform within the application.

By default, the application includes the following roles:

Role Manager: Grants users administrative rights, allowing them to manage and configure various aspects of the application.

Role User: Provides standard user permissions for interacting with the application without administrative access.

Role Auditor: Grants users the ability to view and audit activities within the application, without the ability to make changes.

These predefined roles ensure that different levels of access can be easily assigned to users based on their responsibilities.

The roles mentioned above cannot be edited. Therefore, if you need to create a new authorization or assign different permissions, you must add a new role. This ensures that custom roles can be tailored to meet specific access requirements without altering the default roles.

Add a New Role

To add a new role, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Roles or Authorization section in the application settings.
  2. Click on the Add New Role button.
  3. Provide a Name for the new role.
  4. Specify the permissions or access levels for the new role by selecting the actions or areas of the application that users assigned to this role will have access to.
  5. Review the settings to ensure the role meets your requirements.
  6. Click Save

Once created, this new role can be assigned to users based on their specific responsibilities.

When creating a new role, it is essential to select both View and Read options together.

Mapped LDAP And Azure Groups

Mapped Azure or LDAP feature is used to enable login to the application by granting authorization to specific AzureAD and LDAP groups.

To utilize the Mapped feature, the AzureAD or LDAP configurations located within the settings must be properly configured beforehand. Upon completion of this step, the authorization process can proceed.

For more detailed information, please refer to the Azure and LDAP Configuration sections.

After selecting the groups that you wish to authorize, these users will be able to log in to the application using their “Email addresses” or “sAMAccountNames”.