Database backup and restore operations are managed through this feature.
The backup process includes the following entities:
This process ensures that all essential data, such as user accounts, campaign details, reports, and security configurations, are securely backed up for future restoration if needed. The backup process includes the following entities: Account, ActionGroup, Analysis, Analyzer, Archive, Audit, Authority, Campaign, Collector, Config, ContentDelivery, Department, DepartmentStatHolder, Determination, Domain, Education, Group, GroupStatHolder, Hook, Integration, LCache, MSIPending, Mail, Mailbox, MsiExceptionDto, NewsConfig, Operation, PhishingReport, Playbook, Policy, PrDailyRecord, Quiz, Report, RoleGroup, Rule, Scenario, SoarApproval, Survey, SurveyQuestion, TemplateStore, TenantBlacklist, TipConfig, User, UserStatHolder, Visual, WhiteList, Whitelist, ZerosslRequest.
This process ensures that all essential data, such as user accounts, campaign details, reports, and security configurations, are securely backed up for future restoration if needed.
The backed-up data can be downloaded or restored as needed.